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The aim is to provide students with a greater understanding of the opportunities that are available at the end of Year 11. This is achieved by supporting students to become more self-aware and to develop their action planning skills, so they can make informed choices and be on a good career path. Through career exploration, students learn about the opportunities that exist and plan to realise their ambitions.  

Our objectives are achieved by:

  • Visits from speakers.
  • Delivering careers lessons.
  • Arranging work experience.
  • Having a careers fair where students have the opportunity to meet local and national employers and universities.
  • Liaising with the Positive Steps who employ and provide our careers advisors.
  • Encouraging students to use recommended websites to find the latest information on training, employment, apprenticeships, Further Education and Higher Education. 

  In Years 8 and 9

 Students are entitled to:

  • A term per year of dedicated tutorial lessons on careers activities regarding self-awareness, different types of careers and action planning.
  • An introduction to the library and the careers area.
  • Access to recommended careers software.
  • Help when your child chooses their Key Stage 4 options.
  • Help on choosing their work experience work in Year 10/Y11
  • Time after progress updates for reviewing current progress and target setting.
  • Attending a careers fair.