If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Miss A O'Brien - a.obrien@tprs.tameside.sch.uk
(0161) 214 8484
You can also contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team directly
The contact details for the MASH teams of the other Local Authorities our young people come under are:
- Manchester - 0161 234 5001
- Bolton - 01204 331500
- Rochdale - 0300 303 0440
- Stockport - 0161 217 6028
- Tameside - 0161 342 4101
At Tameside Pupil Referral Service we have a pastoral team that support students on a day to day basis. The pastoral team are as follows:
Elmbridge school:
Mrs J Allen
White Bridge College:
Mrs L Walton
Mrs S Vella
If you are worried about anything or if you are being bullied or concerned somebody may be being bullied, you can report this in several ways;
Report bullying by:
Contacting a member of the pastoral team
- Report to a teacher – such as a form tutor, head of centre, pastoral staff or any other teacher/TA.
- Emailing report@tprs.tameside.sch.uk
- Report to any other school staff e.g school counsellor, administration staff
- Call ChildLine to speak with someone in confidence on 0800 111115