My name is Anthony Benedict and I joined the Tameside Pupil Referral Service in October 2020 as the Executive Head Teacher.
Tameside Pupil Referral Service was established in September 2011 as an integrated provision for young people who are not currently in mainstream school for a variety of reasons, primarily as a result of permanent exclusion.
Within the service there is also provision for a cohort of pupils at key stage 4 with Education Health and Social care plans, who require specialist teaching due to their social emotional and mental health needs.
The TPRS is located in 2 sites across the borough, and provides education for pupils from key stage 2 to key stage 4. The teaching sites are at Elmbridge School, Denton (KS2/3) and White Bridge College, Dukinfield (KS4).
Our vision for our learners that they leave us with the skills needed to be happy and successful adults. Our curriculum is designed to blend academic qualifications with developing skills for life and work such as being able to communicate effectively, team working, personal organisation and independent learning. We believe all our pupils have the capacity to ‘Learn today, earn tomorrow’
Please take a look at our website. If you would like to arrange a visit to one of our sites or have any queries, please get in touch.
Mr Anthony Benedict, BA(Hons)
Executive Head Teacher